Dear Friends, Clients, and Colleagues,
This has been quite a busy year for the C3 Public Strategies team, and we are proud to share some exciting victories from recent elections.
Buffalo Mayor’s Race (Write-In Candidate Byron Brown)
In the Buffalo Mayor’s Race, C3 faced a very unique challenge and came out successful in a historic election. In the Democratic Primary Election, four term-incumbent Democratic Mayor Byron Brown was defeated by an avowed Socialist candidate, India Walton, by seven points.
Shortly after the Primary, Byron Brown decided to re-enter the race as a write-in candidate, meaning his name would not appear on the ballot but would count on voters to write in his name. C3 worked with the New York State Association of REALTORS® to educate a broad coalition of voters across partisan and ideological lines in the write-in process and advocated it for Byron Brown. With two passes through the city, over 37,000 doors in less than a month, and over 13,000 live interactions with voters at the door, C3 got 72% of voters surveyed to commit to write-in Byron Brown, while educating them on how to vote in an election process they were not used to. That 72% of our targeted audience led to 58.8% of the overall electorate writing in Byron Brown for Mayor in the November Election.
Primary Election

General Election

Spokane City Council District 1 (Bingle)
The C3 team helped Jonathan Bingle in his campaign through the Primary Election and to victory in the General Election. C3 knocked on nearly 9,000 doors between the primary and the general election, having about 2,700 live conversations at the door in favor of Jonathan Bingle. C3 helped push Bingle to a powerful 13-point victory in Spokane City Council District 1 for the Spokane Association of REALTORS®.

Connecticut State Senate (Fazio)
When Democrat State Senator Alex Kasser resigned from her seat, it sparked a Special Election for State Senate in Connecticut. Republican Ryan Fazio entered the race in a seat Joe Biden won the previous year by 25 points. C3 ran the GOTV field program in the last month of the campaign to turnout conservative voters and influence swing voters in this election. With a pass through the district and a second pass through target areas, C3 successfully helped push Ryan Fazio to victory in a race decided by only 452 votes, which gained national attention.

St. Paul, MN No on Question 1 (Rent Control)
In the St. Paul Elections, C3 faced a challenge fighting rent control in a liberal leaning city where initial polling showed our side was losing by more than 25%. On behalf of our client, Sensible Housing Ballot Committee, C3 was tasked with a two month walk program to move the target audience in this election and swing the results against rent control. While most voters are not easy to move on this issue, C3 had to work to educate unlikely voters in this election to increase the election base. With nearly 87,000 doors and three passes through the city, C3 helped run the field effort that moved this electorate 12 points over two months with a good amount of air support from mail, digital, and press teams moving audiences.
Although unsuccessful in the election, C3 played an important role in moving voters in a major way on rent control. Our team utilized direct contact and nearly 19,000 live interactions at doors to move voters from 35% opposition to rent control to over 47% in opposition in just two months.

Spokane City Council District 3 (Lish)
On behalf of the Spokane Association of REALTORS®, C3 helped push Mike Lish to a nail-biter in Spokane City Council District 3. In a crowded Spokane City Council Primary Election, Mike Lish came in second place with only 30.6% of the vote. His opponent received 42% of the Primary votes, meaning C3 had a gap to close before the General Election.
C3 helped Mike Lish get through the Primary Election and then helped get close to victory in the General Election. As of now, the election is too close to call with Lish down only 269 votes with late results trending the right direction.
C3 knocked about 8,700 doors between the primary and the General Election, having over 2,300 live conversations at the door in favor of Mike Lish.

Thank you to our clients who trusted our team with your business and your campaigns and thank you to our colleagues whose continued support drives us to deliver unparalleled results.
Jeff, Frank, David, Lane, Bryan, Scott, and Mark