How the C3 Public Strategies Team Managed Stress During Election Season

How the C3 Public Strategies Team Managed Stress During Election Season

By Alexa Tangonan, Senior Account Coordinator, C3 Public Strategies

We all know election season is the busiest time of the year for firms like ours, and with that comes stress. We at C3 Public Strategies know that if the wellness of our team is falling short, then so will our work. We have come up with a few ways to help manage the inevitable stress of election season for our team and have listed them below to help others who may feel a little overwhelmed with their current workload.

  • Take a Walk – taking a walk boosts stress-busting endorphins which will ease your mind and is important when preventing stress and anxiety. 
  • Take a Coffee Break – with a long day’s work it was nice to step out of the office for a little and grab a nice pick me up.
  • Take a Deep Breath – taking a deep breath gives you a second to calm yourself and help you refocus on the task at hand. 
  • Create a Morning Routine – starting your day off right can help you have a more positive outlook on the rest of your day. Personally, I enjoyed starting my day with a little bit of exercise and coffee which helped boost my mood and energy for the work day.
  • Meditating – Taking a few minutes out of your day for mindfulness and grounding,  can help you relieve stress and take your mind off of the stressors of the day. Whether that’s in the morning, on your lunch break, or when you get home taking time for yourself is important for overall wellness.

We hope these tips help you relieve some stress during busy workdays!